Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Amba Kamakshi -Akhila loka

 Amba  Kamakshi  -Akhila  loka

Mother Kamakshi- the entire world


Aandavan Pichai


Translated by



Ragam  Mohanam

Thalam Chapu



Amba  Kamakshi, akhila loka Sakshi

Shambhu priye , sankari , sri Jagadh


Mother  Kamakshi  witness of entire world

Who is Darling  of Lord Shiva, The consort of Shakara, The world’s mother



Bimbhadare Paripurna  Kadakshi,

Kamba  Theera  Vasini, Kamakoti  Sundari


She whose lips are red like bimba fruits, Who  completely  sdees us

Who lives  on shore of Kamba  river, The pretty one of KanaKoti



1.Narada  sannuthe, nadalaya vinuthe,

Nama  parayana abheeeshta  phala pradhe

Varan mukha  sharavana v bhava sahithe

Vama kucha thala  veena dhare


She whose devotee is Narada, she who is enchanted  by temple of music,

She who fulfills desires  if her name  is  chanted,

Who is with Ganapathi and shanmukha,

And who keeps   the Veena  on her  left breast


2.Moolaadhare , swadhishtanambuje,

Kalathmike, anahatha  mandhire

Maala dhare, mani poraka  ruchire

Akalpitha  vishudhi  nadha  mayi


She who is in mOoladhara, a very tastey  lotus flower,

She whose soul is are, she who lives  in Anahatha

She who wears garlands, who enjoys being  in manipooraka

Who is pervaded by unimaginalbly  pure music.


3.AAdhara  kundalani, agra  janya  chakranthare

Shitha Chandra  mandalani,  sahasrambhuje

Vedatha  roopini , vishwadhi  karani

Padambuja bhajanamrutham   dehi


Who basis  is Kundalaniand who is inside chakra   evolved first,

Who  is like  the cool surface of moon, who  has thousand arms

Who has a form of philosophy , who is chief  of universe

Please grant  me the nectar  of  your lotus like feet

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