Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Aneyu Karadare

Aneyu Karadare

Sage Purandara dasa

Translated by

Raga Shiva ranjini
Thala aadhi

(This is not a keerthana and has been classified as Upabhoga-a piece of music popular in dasa sahithya)

1.Aneyu karadare, adhimoola bandanthe,
Ajamilanu karedhare Narayana bandanthe

2.Adaviyalli Dhruva raya karedare Vasudeva bandanthe,
SAbheyalli DRaupadi karedare Sri Krishna bandanthe

3.Ninna dasara dasanu na karadare,
Yenna palisa beku , Purndhara vittala

English translation

1.Like the primeval God coming when an elephant called,
Like The God Narayana calling when Ajamila called.

2. Like the coming of Vasudeva when Druva called him in the forest
Like Sri Krishna coming when Draupadi called him in the court

3. If I your slave of slaves call you ,
You should protect me says Purandara Vittala


  1. i am enjoying all your translation

  2. I am enjoying all your translation, how much value of time you dedicated this is really amazing. Thanks.

  3. Really excellent meaning thank you sir,for your translation I am from telangana.

  4. The correct word is ugabhoga - The term ugabhoga refers to a type of vocal piece in Carnatic music, in which the artist elaborates the treatment of raga characteristics through freestyle verses (typically in the Kannada language) with or without tala.
