
Friday, August 9, 2024

चन्द्रचूड शिवशङ्कर पार्वती रमणने Chandra chooda , shiva sankara , Parvathi Ramanane

 चन्द्रचूड शिवशङ्कर पार्वती रमणने

Chandra chooda , shiva sankara , Parvathi  Ramanane



Purndhara  Dasa


Translated by



पल्लवी -

चन्द्रचूड शिवशङ्कर पार्वती रमणने निनगे नमो नमो



Chandra chooda  , shiva  Sankara  parvathi Ninage  namo nama


Oh Shiva Sankara   who wears  moon and pleases  Parvathi

To you , salutation and salutations


अनुपल्लवी -

सुन्दरतर पिनाकधरहर

गङ्गाधर गजचर्माम्बरधर नमो नमो



Sundara thara, pinaka  dhara  hara

Gangadhara , gaja  charmambara  dhara namo nama


Greatly handsome, Carring Pinaka, the  destroyer

One who carries  Ganga, who wears  elephant’s  hide, salutations and salutations to you


चरणम् -

Charanam -1


नन्दिवाहन आनन्ददिन्द मूर जगदि मेरवे नीने

अन्दु अमृत घट्टदिन्द उदिसिद विष तन्दु भुजिसिदव नीने

कन्दर्पन क्रोधदिन्द कण्तेरेदु कोन्द उग्रनु नीने

इन्दिरेश श्री रामन नामव चन्ददि पोगळुव नीने


Nandi Vahana aanandadhindha moora  jagadhi merave  neene

Andhu amrutha ghattadhindha udheesidha visha  thandhoo bhujeesidhava neene

Kandharpana  krodhashindha , kan thiradhu kondha ugranu  neene

Indiresa sri Ramana namava chandhadhi pogaluva  neene


With great joy  you come in parade  riding on nandhi through  all universe

That   day when they churned  for nectar, you are the one who brought  the poison which came  and ate it

Due  to anger  on God of love , you are  the ferocious one  who opened your eyes and killed him

You are the prettily   chants  the  name of Vishnu  , the name  of lord of goddess Indhira



चरणम् -

Charanam 2


बालमृकण्डन कालनु एळेवाग पालिसिदव नीने

कालकूटवनु पानमाडिद नीलकण्ठनु नीने

वालयदि कपाल पिडिदु भिक्षे बेडो दिगम्बर नीने

जाल माडिद गोपालनेम्ब हेण्णिगे मरुळादव नीने


Bala mrukandanu kalanu yelevaaga palishidhava neene

Kalakoota vanu pana  madidha neela kandanu neene

Valayathi  kapala pidithu biksha vedo  digambara neene

Jala maadidha gopalanemba hennige maruladhava   neene


When son of Mrikandu was being dragged by Yama, the one who managed it was youself

You are   the Neela Kanda   who drank  the kala koota  poison id yourself

You are  the one   who was  dressed with nothing Held   the skull bowl and asked for alms

You are  the one who was not scared to a lady gopala  who played  the tricks



चरणम् -

धरेगे दक्षिण कावेरितीर कुम्भपुरवासनु नीने

करदल्लि वीणेय नुडिसुव नम्म उरगभूषणनु नीने

कोरळलि भस्म रुद्राक्षव धरिसिद परम वैष्णव नीने

गरुडगमन श्री पुरन्दर विट्ठलगे प्राणप्रियनु नीने


Dhharege  dakshina  kaveri theera kumbha pura vasanu neene

Karathalli veeneya nudisuva namma uragu  bhooshananu  neeye

Koralalee bhasma rudraksha dharisidha parama vaishnava  neene

Garuda  gamana sri purandara  vittalage prana priyanu  neene


In the earth  by the shore of Cauvery , you are  one who stays in Khumba konam

You are  our god decorated  with snake , strumming the Veena with your hand

You  are the great Vaishnava  who wers  Sacred ash and Rudraksha  on your neck

Oh Lord  who travels by Garuda you are life like friend of Purandara  vittala


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